Tuition fees for degree programs, 2016/2017 in Canada

Tuition fees for degree programs, 2016/2017

Canadian full-time students in undergraduate programs paid, on average, $6,373 in tuition fees for the 2016/2017 academic year, 2.8% higher than the 2015/2016 average ($6,201). This increase was smaller than the 3.2% rise in tuition fees recorded in 2015/2016.
Undergraduate tuition fees for 2016/2017 remained frozen in Newfoundland and Labrador, but rose in the other provinces, with increases ranging from 0.2% in Alberta to 5.6% in Nova Scotia.
Undergraduates in Newfoundland and Labrador ($2,759) and Quebec ($2,851) continued to pay the lowest average tuition fees in Canada. Undergraduate students in Ontario ($8,114) paid the highest average tuition fees in 2016/2017, followed by undergraduates in Nova Scotia ($7,218) and Saskatchewan ($7,177).

Undergraduate students in dentistry, medicine, law and pharmacy pay the highest average tuition fees

Canadian undergraduate students in dentistry ($21,012) continued to pay the highest average tuition fees in 2016/2017. The next highest were fees for medicine ($13,858), law ($11,385) and pharmacy ($9,738).
Tuition fees for all other undergraduate programs ranged from $4,580 in education to $7,825 in engineering.
All undergraduate program tuition fees increased, except those for pharmacy programs, which fell 18.4% in 2016/2017. This decrease resulted from changes in the structure of and fees for pharmacy programs offered in Ontario.

Tuition fee increases lower for graduate students

Canadian students enrolled in a graduate program paid an average of $6,703 in tuition fees in 2016/2017, up 2.5% from the previous academic year. This followed a 2.2% increase a year earlier.
Tuition fees for graduate students rose in every province, with increases ranging from 0.1% in Alberta to 10.4% in Newfoundland and Labrador. As was the case with undergraduate students, the lowest average tuition fees for graduate students were in Newfoundland and Labrador ($2,733) and Quebec ($2,904).
Graduate students paid the highest average tuition fees in Ontario ($9,416), followed by Nova Scotia ($8,763) and British Columbia ($8,557).

Masters of business administration programs remain the most expensive

At the graduate level, the most expensive programs in 2016/2017 remained the executive and regular masters of business administration (MBA) programs. Average tuition for an executive MBA was $48,626; the fee for a regular MBA averaged $27,574.
Most provincial average tuition fees for executive MBA programs were lower than the national average. Ontario executive MBA students paid average tuition fees of $93,998, which raised the executive MBA average at the Canada level.
Dentistry had the third-highest average tuition fees for graduate programs at $12,691.
Tuition fees rose for all graduate programs, with increases ranging from 1.1% for pharmacy programs to 4.5% for architecture and related technologies.
Sources :  Statics Canada


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