Have you work Problem in UK?

What to do if a problem at work

Problems at work
How to Get Job in UK

"If you're unhappy about something that your employer or a colleague has said or done, you should always try and talk about it with them".
It's a good idea to try to sort out problems early on. If things aren't sorted out quickly you may get angry, and this could cause bigger problems between you and your employer.
Legally, it's also normally better to act quickly. If you don't, any changes to your contract or working conditions could become permanent. If you don't do anything you may be seen to be accepting any changes, even if you protested about them.
It's a good idea to write down your concerns and anything that happens. This will be useful as a record and reminder of the situation.
If you've been dismissed, or your employer starts formal disciplinary action against you, there is a procedure they should follow under a code produced by the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas). As part of this, you should be given the chance to defend yourself in a meeting, and to appeal their decision. If you can, you should do this in writing to your employer. You should explain to them why you don't agree with their decision.
For more information about what to do if you've been dismissed or your employer starts disciplinary action against you, see Sorting out problems at work.

Time limits
If you want to take your complaint to the employment tribunal, usually, you've only got 3 months minus 1 day to get your claim in to the tribunal. This is usually measured from the time when the last event happened. However, from 6 April, in most cases, you can notify Acas of your possible complaint and start the early conciliation process. This will affect the time limit for your claim. From 6 May, you will have to do so.
Time limits still apply even if you're making a grievance or appeal.
Make sure you know what your time limits are and don't miss your chance to put your claim to the tribunal.
You could get more advice on this from one of the organisations listed in What help can I get with a problem at work.
Desclimer: Original Post


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