How to use Alt Tags for Images?

How to use Alt Tags for Images?


Anchor Text & Alt Tags

 Anchor Text
The anchor text of the backlinks also play a major role in SEO. Anchor text is the descriptive labeling of the hyperlink as it appears on a webpage.
For example, while Network Monitoring will be the content visible on the webpage, the actual link will be http://www.your-company-name/network-monitoring.html. Search Engines examine the anchor text to decide the relevance of the content on a webpage. Alt Tags for Images
The alt attribute is used to define an "alternate text" for an image. The alt text is nothing but a description for the image. The original intention of the "alt" attribute is to help the reader when the image does not load on the browser. The alt text will tell the reader what he or she is missing on that page. The browser will display the alternate text instead of the image. For instance, in the following example, if the architecture image fails to load, the reader will know he is missing the software architecture image.

<img src=network-architecture.gif alt=Network Monitoring Software Architecture>

Nowadays, SEO engineers have started using their primary keywords in the alt text of the images with a view to improve their ranking.

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