Numerous people chose to turn to online blogging as a way of making money. You are probably asking yourself on how to make money blogging, making money through a blog is tricky, but it can be done once you have the proper ”how to” knowledge. However, do not expect to earn thousands of dollars if you are a beginner. It will take time until you know how to make money blogging, but it will pay off in the end.

Here are the top 8 strategies to make money blogging!

How to Make Money Blogging with Cost Per Action (CPA) Ads
If you are unsure on what to start with, CPA is a quite solid idea. CPA’s are ads you place on your blog, after which you can earn money each time someone goes on the advertiser company’s website. If the person who visit the advertiser’s site decides to buy an item off their site, you will also be payed. You can make quite a bit of cash with CPA ads. If you are good at it, a simple click of a random visitor can make you $50 richer. The only disadvantage of this method is that beginners may have a hard time getting people to click on the ads. Popular blogs are the ones who can make the best out of this method.
How to Make Money Blogging with Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads
Pay Per Click, also known as PPC, is the easiest way of making money blogging. People who just started blogging have the most to gain from this method. You first need to place some targeted ads on your blog, and then wait to earn money everytime someone clicks on the ad. It is really that simple. However, people are less inclined to click on big, flashy ads. Place the ad on the side of your blog and make sure it doesn’t occupy too much space. After all, you want to attract visitors, not repel them.
How to Make Money Blogging with Affiliate programs
Experienced bloggers have found this method to work very well. First, sign up with an affiliate program of your choice. After that, put the ad on your blog in a visible spot. The ad should be a part of the same niche as your blog, for better chances. What the ad does is basically promoting the company’s services or items. The more appealing the banner or ad is, the higher chances for people to purchase something. When this happens, you will earn a certain amount of money. Choose the affiliate program carefully as to make the best out of it.
The above described methods are a few of the most easy and effective ones of using your blog to earn money. If you want your blog to be popular and successful, you can gain more followers by letting your friends know about it. The more people visit your blog, the higher chances of making money. If you are serious about it, it should only take a couple of months until you see results.
So the take away from this whole blog post is to follow this strategy, and stick with it, as well as become a bad ass problem solver and you’ll be well on your way to generating more leads and even a nice six figure income from your business website or blog.



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